Animals at Bukit Merah Eko park  

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

This is some of the animals that I saw there.....Some are cute...some are just very very what can I say is unsual for me to see.....There are tons more animals at Bukit Merah Eko Park so if you have the opportunity you should go there to meet them.... 

Final Fantasy VII everyday....  

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Sorry for not updating my blog for quite sometime....

I've been busy playing and finishing games all day and didn't have the time to write...
Just right after exam I played Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core which I already finished it...Then I started to have interest playing the original version of Final Fantasy VII which I never have the oppurtunity to play when it was release in 1997 on the PS1....So I take the initiative to find this game at the internet for the PC version and download it on to my laptop....For your information Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core is the prequal of the original Final Fantasy VII.....If you ever seen the Final Fantasy VII Advent Children it is the sequal of this game.......Just to play the whole series of Final Fantasy VII I need to buy 3 console that is PS1,PSP,PS2 but I already sold my PS1 so I played the PS1 version on my laptop....

Maybe in a few days I will write and add up some photo about my expirience at Bukit Merah....I saw many wierd wait for me to uploaded the photo into my laptop.....

   Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core

The original version of Final Fantasy VII

 Final Fantasy VII Advent Children

   Final Fantasy VII Dirge of Cerberus

Tahukah Anda...........  

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Tahukah Anda dalam bahasa Inggeris dan Italy, jurugambar dikenali sebagai paparazi. Perkataan itu dipercayai diambil dari watak paparazzo dalam filem La Dolce Vita yang diterbitkan oleh Federico Fellini pada tahun 1960. Dalam bahasa melayu pula, ayah kepada seorang budak yang  bernama Razzi juga boleh dikenali dengan nama papa Razzi.

Tahukah Anda bendera negara Denmark telah dicipta 700 tahun lampau, menjadikan bendera paling lama digunakan di dunia lebih lama daripada penggunaan susu cap bendera.
Tahukah Anda
perkataan May Day yang diulang sebut ketika berlaku kecemasan, baik di laut atau udara berasal daripada bahasa Perancis M'aidez yang bermaksud ''tolong saya''. Perkataan Mydin yang tertera pasa Pasaraya Mydin pula bukan bermaksud ia dimiliki oleh pelawak terkenal Maideen atau bermaksud memanggil Mydin mamak bertandang ke E-kl atau room KL.Cuba anda tukarkan setiap kali askar amerika berteriak MAYDAY! MAYDAY! kepada MYDIN! MYDIN! nanti maidin datang.

Tahukah Anda Persatuan Cintai Hidupan Liar diasaskan oleh Richard Martin dari Ireland pada tahun 1824. Lagu Bola Sepak Dunia 1998 yang ditujukan khas buat pemain, peminat serta persatuan2 bolasepak amnya pula dinyanyikan oleh Ricky Martin.

Tahukah Anda
hanya enam bahasa digunakan oleh Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB) iaitu bahasa Inggeris, perancis, Arab, Cina, Rusia dan Sepanyol. ianya akan bertambah menjadi tujuh bahasa jika ada perwakilan yang menggunakan bahasa pasar atau bahasa kesat. (bahasa yang ke tujuh hanya biasa digunakan room dot dot dot)

Tahukah Anda
kedua belah kaki kita tidak sama besar kerana sebelah adalah kaki kanan dan sebelah lagi adalah kaki kiri. Namanya saja sudah tidak sama jadi tentunya besarnya juga tidak sama.

Tahukah Anda magnet ialah sejenis logam yang juga digelar besi berani. Sebagaimana namanya magnet ialah besi yang berani menarik butir-butir besi lain kearahnya. Bagaimanapun orang yang diupah untuk menarik kereta bukanlah magnet.

Tahukah Anda
cicak memutuskan ekornya apabila diganggu. Apabila cicak menyedari yang dia diekori oleh sesuatu, ia akan memutuskan ekornya supaya benda itu tidak mengekorinya lagi atas alasan tanpa ekor sudah tentu ia tidak akan diekori lagi.

Tahukah Anda
burung dapat pulang ke sarangnya walaupun telah keluar kadangkala hingga beribu kilometer daripada sarangnya tanpa sesat atau silap walaupun tanpa bantuan kompas. Ini kerana setiap sarang burung mempunyai alamatnya yang tersendiri sebenarnya.

Tahukah Anda
bunyi perkataan lempeng dan tempeleng adalah hampir sama walaupun ia berbeza dari segi rupa bentuknya. Tapi, walaubagaimanapun orang yang kena tempeleng masih boleh memakan lempeng apabila dia berasa lapar.

Tahukah Anda
gunung berapi yang berusia tiga ratus tahun disahkan masih aktif untuk meletup. Tapi mengikut kajian ahli gunung, api elektrik di rumah kita tidak akan aktif jika tidak membayar bilnya selama tiga bulan.

Tahukah Anda
orang yang tidak pernah kisah langsung tentang wang ringgit, pangkat, kedudukan dan harta dunia ialah Orang Utan.
Tahukah Anda
antara kereta kebal dan tok guru ilmu kebal, akhlak kereta kebal adalah lebih baik kerana kereta kebal walaupun ia kebal tapi tak  pernah membanggakan diri dan riak akan kekebalannya.

Tahukah Anda ahli sains seluruh dunia bersepakat jika nasi ayam dimakan sewaktu lapar, perut kita akan mengalami satu tindakbalas yang berupa kekenyangan. Nasi ayam juga boleh digunakan sebagai ubat untuk menggembirakan hati kita bila nasi ayam yang dimakan itu dibelanja oleh kawan kita.

Tahukah Anda tahukah anda tahukah anda walaupun hidup beribu tahun kalau tak sembahyang tiada gunanya

Cameron Tea..............  

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Just yesterday I went to Cameron Highland with my family..or I can say much more to my mum's part of the family...Some of them I don't really know because they live in Brunei...That's because my mum is also from Brunei..Born and raise there...Yesterday the most enjoyed moment for me was when we stop at a place called Cameron Valley where they sold tea and at the same time as we drink we can enjoy the view just like in the photo....Glad to have a break and vacation after struggling for my final exam..... 

After Final Exam...  

Thursday, December 4, 2008

This what my engineering friends do after their final paper....Playing video games non stop....
This is just some of their activities which only include in the evening...At night they went to play futsal and leave me behind at UTP....ALONE!!!!!....waaa how could they do that....Hmmm if I don't have ICIS paper the next day surely I can enjoy just like them...but because of this last paper I was unable to join them....and they leave me behind cruel.....But right now I already finish the ICIS paper so I also can fellow UTPIANS enjoy this holiday and see you next sem....Hope we all get good result in the Exam that we did.....

New Diseases attacking my friends....  

Saturday, November 29, 2008

What is happening to my friends??? Ariff,piol,haziq,wan,amirul and ash also???
They somehow have been attracted to those girls up thre in the photo...This group is the Morning Musume.... I was going to haziq room and shockingly I saw them enjoying some sort of video clip showing those girls dancing....They are some kind addicted to those girls and everytime before study the always see the video clip once..I think 1 day they could repeat they video almost 10 times and still exited to see it... I gotta admit those girl are cute, very cute but I'm not gonna be addicted to this as they were....They even picked which one will be their girl...(Funny thinking and seeing their behaviour). Now everyday I gotta hear the word "IPPAI~KITTAI" which means Full of Hope....Whenever they study they will always sing this song together....They sometime give me some kind of headache seeing them behave like little boys...Even while waiting for our food to be cook at RZM cafe they still can play it at Ariff handpone eventhough at the cafe there are showing football game....Argh Morning Musume disease are attacking my friends..... 


Thursday, November 27, 2008

Done 4 of my papers already and only 2 more to go... English going quite well....math was OK....Islamic stdy do no what to say.....Business Management argh why am I so cannot do well in this paper....Hopefully next week thinking skills and ICIS will be good...Or else argh my pointers.....

Hopefully this three day break will give me a good break to stdy steadily and get ready for next week.....Everyone pray for me ok....AMINNN

Al - Fatihah  

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Ya Allah within matter of minutes joy can become despair... We was playing soccer in fronht of the hostel then at a sudden he sit down and collapse...I was shock and at that time I cannot think..Then all my friends came...We went to carry him to Amirul's car but then Erfi came with his car and in the end we use his car.. We went to the UTP clinic then he was sent to the hospital...When Rafiq told me that he has a heart problem I was shock...very shock " Ya Allah what are we going to do...Please give us time to help him " but in the end Allah love him more...Hope madud will be place with the 'anbiya'...Although we are not very close but every student in this batch really meant something to me.. Madud this post is specially for you...Al - Fatihah...

Not Gear up yet...  

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sorry to all that I delayed the update of my blog....I just ran out of idea what to write since the last post.. Now I'm in my study week so I don't think I can be blogging very so often....Need to study (that's why it's called study week because we need to study). Unfortunately for me I'm still not gear up to study eventhough next week is my exam... Starting from tonight I'm really going to force my self to get my study mood on as I need to catch up a lot.... I think I might post one or two post before the exam... So everybody please pray for my success...Aminnn...... 

Raya at UTP...........  

Saturday, November 1, 2008

My Family

My Family


Time to eat...

Time to eat...

This photo was taken at the complex chancellor of UTP as my family attended a Raya celebration for UTP staff. 

My Lovely Cat  

This white furry animal is my lovely cat….His name is Meng Meng ( use his as It is consider as one of the family member ). It all started when my mum’s friend’s cat is going to give birth. She decided that she doesn’t want to keep all of them so as a cat lover, my mum quickly take ( can be count as adopting ) this cute little kitten home. I didn’t really like it in the beginning as it is so ‘garang’ and always wanted to bite everyone that want to play with it, but as time goes on it started to be more friendly and more ‘manja’ (spoilt little kitten) but at this time I started to accept and tend to like it. Now it’s a part of the family, when I go home at the weekend it will sleep with me in my room and surprisingly I discover that Meng Meng snore when it is sleeping, it’s kinda funny to hear a cat snore. It’s is also the one that accompany me when I watch football match at late night. It will sleep beside me and wake up every time I celebrate goals ( must be wondering why is I very happy by just looking at the TV…So for me it’s my best pet ever and I love it very much…….


Usrah at Pizza Hut  

Friday, October 31, 2008

This evening my smart group made an usrah at Pizza Hut as a goodbye party to our naqib, Abg Humaizi (the one that is standing) that will go on his intenship later on... We all ate quite a lot and the bill are more than RM150..( gosh so expensive )...Rm 13 is just only the service charge where we didn't really get a great service ( we need to pour our drink on our own ) , the pizza is also quite thin which I think they didn't follow the specification that Pizza Hut has set ( someone need to report about this) but the price is still the same...So to Abg Humaizi good luck 4 your intenship and may Allah bless you....  

Tribute to all my friends at UTP who always colour my day (con’t)  

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

This is all the other that I didn’t manage to list them on my post before…… The next one is Nasrie.. He is one of the math genius in my class. He’s the one usually manage to get high marks in math and he is the one that help me alot in math tutorial. He’s kinda quite guy and don’t say much but “diam-diam ubi berisi”…His nickname is Doraemon (we don’t give this name to him). 

The next one is Imran, he is kinda quite in class but when you get to know him closer you won’t agree with what I wrote before. Although generaly he look quite but he is kinda popular among the girls esspecially the chinese…

Tribute to all my friends at UTP who always colour my day  

Saturday, October 25, 2008

This post is a tribute to all my friends at UTP who colour my day, make me feel appreciate, make me feel happy, and always there when I was down. On the registration day the first friend that I met was Ezat (Ezat Adha) and know he is the one that always make my room become crowded as he always come ‘ lepak-lepak ’ at my room and then just left his things and belonging on my table and then he just gone missing. But when come to making me laugh I can count on him.

            The second person that I met was Ariff Zaky, he is my roommate now. He is just like me a year younger than the other and surprisingly I am just 2 days older than him (think we can celebrate our birthday together). Other than that he is the one that I always share my secret to. Usually any new news about him and his ‘tut’ I will always know that if he tell me..hehehe… The most interesting and I love to do is to disturb him when he ‘bergayut’ on the phone. It’s funny to see him trying to seek privacy sometime.

            Next is Amirul Zamani… The computer and anime as well as game addict (in my opinion so don’t get mad okay Amirul) he is the one usually that I can talk with ‘game’ and ‘anime’ language as sometime the other cannot understand what are we saying. He is also a big fan of Man Utd just like me. He is also the source of information for me as he knew much about anime. Usually he is also the one that always help me out in everything. So easy to say he is one of my ‘tempat bergantung’ at UTP as I can count on his help when I need.

            Next is Ashri (Ash). I get to know him through my roommate as they are taking the same course that is Mechanical Engineering. He is kinda kind person and funny also. I never see him getting mad (to be honest almost all of my friend I never see them really get mad). He is a cool type of person I never see him to be ‘kelam-kabut’.

            Next is Fareez a.k.a Eteng. He is the most funniest person of all my friends and Mr. President to an unofficial organization that is ‘Rakan Call Lab’. He is a type that always ‘selamba’ all the time.

            Next is a Petroleum Engineering. His name is Haziq. He is also a person that never really know how to get mad I guess. As he always smiling all the time. He is also an anime addict as he can stay up all night just to watch anime until 4 a.m in the morning. Once he is watching anime it is hard to speak to him as look like he also has enter the cartoon world.

            Next is also a PE student that is Wan a.k.a stim. He is Haziq’s roommate. He usually come to my room to seek for help about computer and borrowing my external Hard Disk to watch movie. He is also the one that taught me much on mathematics.

            Next is Nasiruddin a.k.a Din. A Technology student. I can call him an addict to the House series. A loyal downloader for movie and series at call lab. He main interest is on game and series. One of the usual member of my group especially when in class.

            Next is Faizul, also a tech student. He usually the one that always make me laugh in lecture and when we are in group. He usually get ‘pangkah’ by me and Din. He is the no 2 in the ranking of ‘pemangkah’ in my group.

            Next one is Wafiy, one of the most hardworking people in my group. He is the one that most of the time give full commitment when doing assignments. Always busy because he always find work and add up to his busy by having a ‘adik angkat’ that is quite ‘manja’ la in my opinion.

            We called him the software provider a.ka the software pirate. He is Mahsyar. He is also a funny person. He usually get ‘pangkah’ by my group in the lecture.

            Next is Adib and Zarith. They are both roommate. And both are quite friendly to me. At first Adib was kind of a bit ‘sombong’ but when I learn to know him he turn out to be a very nice person. He also a future photographer as he like so much to take photo. As for Zarith he is popular for his LC motorcycle. He is also a very nice person and easy to talk with.

            The next one is a bit hard to explain, she is the only women that can be consider as friend to me at UTP. She is Khamisah. She’s the only one that I think that is friendly enough (to be honest it is me that is not friendly enough with girl). And it was Ezat the one that talk to her first and she accidentally saw my offer letter that stated that I was offer the same course with her. If not for Ezat talk to her I might not have any girl in my list of friend here at UTP.


Drama for English tutorial  

Friday, October 24, 2008

Last month, I was assign to perform a drama with my group...This performance will be given marks by my English tutor....My group was assign to do a drama that entitle 'death by scrabble' a story abut a husband and wife that is always fighting while playing scrabble...The intresting part is every time the couple play a word the word will become true...the scrabble is like it being jinxed (what ??? do the author have a original idea instead of try to copy the idea of jumanji and zathura)

the story is also quite we got a hard work to make this story as intresting as it can be.....Fweh..I will do all the media work ( sometime the directing also ) do they know that I am a year younger than them...So I'm the one that should or be more dependend on them not they depend on me...Luckily at that time the idea come out a lot ( mencurah curah ke ladang gandum dan puff!!! jd la.....drama ku..) and all the ideas are quite intresting...In the end we decided to add up some part on the beginning, the middle a bit, and create our own ending as the original story the story end without having a decent ending....I did some video using movie maker..Edit some photo with photoshop cs3 (adobe shoul pay me for advertising their product).....Some of my friend also help me do this video (thank to Amirul Zamani ) that help and give me some idea....The presentation of the drama also gone well but the perfectness was defected by me....I accidently press the Esc button on my laptop just when I tried to place the microphone nearer to the speaker of my laptop...and it happen in the middle of the show when all the audience is enjoying the video that I made...But in the end that doesn't matter and all the hard work ( practice until 12 a.m ) pay off as my Tutor kindly give our group 20 out of 20 for our drama marks....Thank god....Thanks also to Nasiruddin who help me with the stage light and my buddy Amirul that help me so much...And to all my group member...Syed, Khamisah,Siew Ching,Mei Foong,Clare,Daphnee and last but not least our tutor that is Puan Ju......

Manchester United 3 - 0 Celtic  

Again Wayne Rooney score as Man Utd grabs 3 points against Celtic. But the spot light was on Dimitar Berbatov as the bulgarian score twice that night to sink Celtic. He open up the score sheet by putting the ball in the net with an easy chance. Man Utd were controlling the game with Van Der Sar  pretty much a spectator. Although that but the Man Utd goalkeeper is up to the task when he is being tested. Pretty much an easy game to Man Utd. Another step closer to retain the champions league title. Glory Glory Man Utd.

Man Utd 4 - 0 West Brom  

Sunday, October 19, 2008

See what I say…………There’s no stopping Rooney from scoring when he is in his top form……..Yesterday he score another goal against west brom bringing his goal tally to 8 goals in 6 games….Man Utd yesterday dominate the game although they didn’t score in the first half….ten minutes into the second half…The on form Rooney open up the score sheet after receiving a great pass from berbatov….Then Cristiano Ronaldo make it 2 - 0 after receiving a great pass from Rooney…He slide the ball through the west brom keeper legs to make it 2 - 0… Then Berbatov score his first premier league goal for man utd with a great reflex after the ball were croosed into the penalty box ( as usual he doesn’t seem like he want to play whch malay call it ‘malas’ but to me it is his style which make him look very cool)….Then in the end subtitute Nani make it 4 - 0 after receiving a great ball from Rooney which he just need to make a simple tap in but from a difficult angle…. But the credits to all the player that give a great game last night…. so 3 points more in the bag and were catching up with the leader…Glory Glory Man Utd……….

What 3% only?????  

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Ever feel that what you done is not worth???  That's what I feel now.... Sleep 4 in the morning just to do some summary....Finish off my printer ink just to print out all my lecture notes...Just to put it all in my math portfolio...and it just consist of 3% of marks only.....argh should have ingnore it and sleep early rather than stay up just to get it done.....Argh......Tension3........

Gundam 00............  

Friday, October 17, 2008

Now it's about the anime i am watching.... I thought I not going to see any more gundam especially after sunrise (the company that publish gundam) don't continue gundam seed series for their third season. Eventually they create a new series called Gundam 00 (pronounce as double o), I thought it will never caught my attention...because of that I just pass by season 1 (luckily I found the whole episode for season 1 at DC++(hope you guys know what DC++ is) so I was able to enjoy it) but thanks to my friend at UTP...he introduce me to this series and now I am addicted to it....Gundam 00 just started it 2nd season and on monday 18th october is the release date for it's 2nd episode.....I just finish downloading it and still keep on watching it over and over again...I just can't wait for episode 3 to release next week....I think this is the entertainment for me at UTP as I don't have enough time to watch TV at UTP (except for football match) so I only relying on downloaded series....Wheew.... now you guys know how busy I am...

How far do you study from home???  

When I ask all my friends where do they want to further their studies, they always say
" mestilah nak pegi jauh dr sini " But for me......the higher I study the closer the institution is to my house....Previously my secondary school is 15km from my house...Now I am in a university and the university is just about 3km from my can this be happening...The place that i am now ( Universiti teknologi Petronas ) is very very near to my house.....When my friend ask "tinggal kt mana??" i always have to say this "ala kalau nak pegi my house dlm 2 3 minit jer dari sini...." How am I so opposite of my friends.....They all went far away from their home but i am so close to my house......Em but I really don't care coz i can go home every weekend and even had dinner at home...hehehe....

Manchester United VS West Brom  

Rooney Pictures, Images and Photos

With this guy on hot form...There not going to be an easy task for West Brom to stop Man Utd....
Wayne Rooney have been scoring 7 times in 5 matches ( If i'm not mistaken)...he's in the best form he ever been this season so scoring won't be a much of a problem for him ( hopefully he is as i'm a man utd fan so hope they will win ) . On paper this will be a a walk in the park for them but usually this kind of team will eventually make a suprise as how Hull City done to Arsenal...So hope Man Utd will be aware of the treat their opponent have....So let's go...A win for man utd is a must as we need to catch up with the leader....

My favorite topics....  

Em boys....what else can they be talking about??? Surely about football... hehe........
So most of the story on my blog will be about I hope this won't mean that this is a girls free zone....Girls are also welcome to read......

Just getting started last i found some time to start my blog....My first ever post....So hope can write some more in the nearest time.............

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