My Lovely Cat
Saturday, November 1, 2008

This white furry animal is my lovely cat….His name is Meng Meng ( use his as It is consider as one of the family member ). It all started when my mum’s friend’s cat is going to give birth. She decided that she doesn’t want to keep all of them so as a cat lover, my mum quickly take ( can be count as adopting ) this cute little kitten home. I didn’t really like it in the beginning as it is so ‘garang’ and always wanted to bite everyone that want to play with it, but as time goes on it started to be more friendly and more ‘manja’ (spoilt little kitten) but at this time I started to accept and tend to like it. Now it’s a part of the family, when I go home at the weekend it will sleep with me in my room and surprisingly I discover that Meng Meng snore when it is sleeping, it’s kinda funny to hear a cat snore. It’s is also the one that accompany me when I watch football match at late night. It will sleep beside me and wake up every time I celebrate goals ( must be wondering why is I very happy by just looking at the TV…So for me it’s my best pet ever and I love it very much…….