Final Fantasy VII everyday....
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Sorry for not updating my blog for quite sometime....
I've been busy playing and finishing games all day and didn't have the time to write...
Just right after exam I played Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core which I already finished it...Then I started to have interest playing the original version of Final Fantasy VII which I never have the oppurtunity to play when it was release in 1997 on the PS1....So I take the initiative to find this game at the internet for the PC version and download it on to my laptop....For your information Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core is the prequal of the original Final Fantasy VII.....If you ever seen the Final Fantasy VII Advent Children it is the sequal of this game.......Just to play the whole series of Final Fantasy VII I need to buy 3 console that is PS1,PSP,PS2 but I already sold my PS1 so I played the PS1 version on my laptop....
Maybe in a few days I will write and add up some photo about my expirience at Bukit Merah....I saw many wierd wait for me to uploaded the photo into my laptop.....

Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core
Final Fantasy VII Dirge of Cerberus